Sunday, February 2, 2014

Math Mob Mondays

So I am considering a new idea - Math Mob Mondays.  Being in a rural district means some classes do not fill all the desks (or any class fills all the desks).  I have been thinking of ways to show our parents and our community what we are doing in my room.

My idea is to offer some "Math Mob" days where I invite (or coerce) adults to fill my room.  I think I would start with Algebra 1 (an afternoon course) - have them come in.  Do a lot of review, introduce a new lesson, have my students be helpers, etc.  I like the idea - it would make my students help others.  It would also give curious and coerced community members a  first hand look at what we do, my expectation - and I think it would just be fun.

I think Facebook could help me out, take a little video and just have some fun with it.    I would have to get 8-14 commitments, so it is "big enough."   I think it could be some fun, especially if I tap some people to come on in and have fun.

Not sure if and when but I will post any more work I do on this.

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